R One-day Homework - 데이터 전처리, 시각화, 트위터 크롤링과 워드클라우드
Date : 2020/04/02
- 사용 데이터 : Kaggle COVID-19 한국 다운로드 링크
- 확진자 데이터
- 확진자 이동경로 데이터
library(dplyr) library(plyr) # patient data load patient <- read.csv('./dataset/PatientInfo.csv') View(patient) str(patient) summary(patient) # 환자번호, 성별, 연령, 지역(시도), 지역(군구), 전염사유, 확진일 컬럼 추출 df <- select(patient, patient_id, sex, age, province, city, infection_case, confirmed_date) # data type 변환 df$confirmed_date <- as.Date(df$confirmed_date, '%Y-%m-%d') # 연령대 오류 데이터, 미기입 데이터, 100세이상 데이터 삭제 df <- df[-(which(df$age == '66s')),] df <- df[-(which(df$age == '')),] df <- df[-(which(df$age == '100s')),] # 성별 미기입 row 삭제 df <- df[-(which(df$sex == '')),] # 전염사유 미기입 row 'etc'로 변경 df$infection_case[df$infection_case == ''] <- 'etc' df$sex_num[df$sex == 'male'] <- 1 df$sex_num[df$sex == 'female'] <- 2 df$age_num <- gsub('s','', df$age) df$age_num <- as.numeric(df$age_num)/10 unique(df$age_num) cities <- unique(df$city) num <- 1000 for (i in cities){ df$city_num[df$city == i] <- num num= num+1 } # patient route data load route <- read.csv('./dataset/PatientRoute.csv') str(route) route <- route[,-2] # data type 변환 route$date <- as.Date(route$date, '%Y-%m-%d') summary(route) # 서울과 경상북도만 추출 seoul <- df[df$province == 'Seoul',] gyeongbuk <- df[df$province == 'Gyeongsangbuk-do',] # data merge seoul_df <- merge(seoul, route, by='patient_id') summary(seoul_df) View(seoul_df)
Infection case Frequancy(감염경로 빈도)
library(ggplot2) unique(df$infection_case) infection_case <- count(df$infection_case) infection_case <- infection_case[(infection_case$freq > 50) & (infection_case$x != 'etc'),] # x freq # 4 contact with patient 743 # 9 Guro-gu Call Center 112 # 17 overseas inflow 293 # 21 Shincheonji Church 99 barplot(infection_case$freq, names.arg=infection_case$x, space=1.2, cex.names=0.9)
확진자 route 빈도
ggplot(data=seoul_df, mapping= aes(date, type)) + geom_count()
서울 연령별 확진일 빈도
ggplot(data=seoul, mapping= aes(confirmed_date, age)) + geom_count()
경상북도 연령별 확진일 빈도
ggplot(data=gyeongbuk, mapping= aes(confirmed_date, age)) + geom_count()
전국 확진자 이동 포인트 지도에 표시
library(ggmap) register_google(key = "your_key") map <- get_map(location='korea', zoom=7, maptype = 'roadmap', source='google') g <- ggmap(map) g <- g + geom_point(data=seoul_df, aes(x=longitude, y=latitude), size=1, colour='red') print(g)
로지스틱 회귀
지역과 성별,연령대의 상관관계 분석
condate.lm <- glm(city_num ~ sex_num + age_num, data= df) summary(condate.lm) # Call: # glm(formula = city_num ~ sex_num + age_num, data = df) # # Deviance Residuals: # Min 1Q Median 3Q Max # -84.19 -34.76 14.12 34.72 73.49 # # Coefficients: # Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) # (Intercept) 1059.9024 2.8255 375.118 < 2e-16 *** # sex_num 3.6108 1.5419 2.342 0.0193 * # age_num 2.4381 0.3799 6.418 1.62e-10 *** # --- # Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 # # (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 1594.637) # # Null deviance: 4467446 on 2753 degrees of freedom # Residual deviance: 4386847 on 2751 degrees of freedom # AIC: 28130 # # Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
Twitter Crawl & Word cloud
검색어 : 코로나
library(twitteR) library(wordcloud) library(KoNLP) consumerKey <- "your_consumer_key" consumerSecret <- "your_consumer_secret" accessToken <- "your_access_token" accessTokenSecret <- "your_access_token_secret" setup_twitter_oauth(consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret) keyword <- enc2utf8('코로나') corona <- searchTwitter(keyword, n=5000, lang='ko') length(corona) head(corona) corona_twitter.df <- twListToDF(corona) corona_twitter.text <- corona_twitter.df$text options(max.print = 10000) # 특수문자 제거 tw_txt <- gsub('!@#$%^&*\\(\\)~`.,','',corona_twitter.text) # 한글만 추출 tw_txt <- gsub('[^가-힣]',' ', tw_txt) # whitespace 처리 tw_txt <- gsub(' ', '', tw_txt) useSejongDic() # 명사 추출 nouns <- sapply(tw_txt,extractNoun,USE.NAMES=F) nouns <- unlist(nouns) # 3글자 이상 데이터만 추출 noun <- list() for (i in nouns){ if(nchar(i) >= 3){ noun <- append(noun, i) } } noun <- unlist(noun) # 명사 빈도 table wordcount <- table(noun) # 워드클라우드 wordcloud2(wordcount, shape='circle', size=0.5, backgroundColor = 'white')
April 2, 2020 에 작성